September 08, 2010


The other day I was working in my backyard and had to move a loose tree stump so I could make room to paint. In order to move it by myself, I had to turn it over a couple times to get it out of the way. To my surprise, I realized that I had just uncovered an enormous colony of ants! I curiously watched them scramble around like chickens with their heads cut off, most of them carrying a minuscule portion of a solid white substance. I guessed that this was either their food supply, or they were transporting eggs to a place where they could hatch safely. I felt bad for uprooting them like that and forcing them to build a new home elsewhere.

That's when it hit me: I am in the same boat as this ant colony. I am being uprooted (although purposefully) from the life and home I've always known, and scrambling around trying to make sense of all the chaos that packing and getting ready for a three month journey entails. Instead of carrying around tiny little white things, I'm adorned with a big, black fifty pound suitcase, a small carry-on bag, and a purse with all the essentials in it.

I understand why they scramble. It's really scary when you're yanked out of your comfortable little world and thrown out into the unknown to face cultural differences and a change of environment. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm in disbelief. And I love it, because that means change is coming, that means growth is on its way.

I know there's hope for me because after about twenty minutes, the chaos of the colony calmed down and spread out in search of a place to call home elsewhere. Although there's only about forty of us going on this trip instead of a billion, I know that we will all spread out, calm down, and eventually call Italy home.


  1. La città piu bella del mondo Ti aspetta, quando arrivi ?

  2. So are you still scurrying about in Italy after your second full day there? Starting to get your bearings, at least to the nearest open market and coffee shop and internet cafe???

