October 14, 2010

Semplice: Keepin' Things Simple

For the past couple of weeks, I've been signing up for tutoring with Monica (the boldest, most eccentric Italian woman I have ever met) to help me further my Italian understanding and skill. She assigns extra homework for me on top of regular classwork and an extra hour a week to speak and ask questions only in Italian...I love it! Anyway, the other day she told me to describe the most beautiful vacation I've ever taken, and to write a page. So of course, I did, and I was really proud of myself for writing so much! (hi this is heathers roommate...shes crazy and so much fun...sometimes.) <--message from Liz, my roommate. I was going to delete it but it was just too cute :) Ok, now back to my story. So I wrote a lot, and when I started reading it to her, about every second she gave me an ERR! (like a buzzer) sound. I let out a huff of air in frustration because I thought I had been so careful and done such a great job! What she said next hit me deeper than she could have ever imagined: "Keep it simple, semplice, you are thinking too complicated." Of course, she meant it referring to my homework and to stop thinking in English while translating to Italian, but as usual I took it a couple steps further.

For example, I wrote a sentence in Italian about letting all of my emotions out into a journal on a beach in Hawaii, word for word. She looks at me and says, "no! In English you say 'to let out' emotions. Italians already know that they come out, they just come out, we don't say this in Italian...it is implied." I couldn't keep from laughing! This is part of their culture as well...they are very open about their feelings and with their lives...everything just comes out. Emotions are complicated, but they way they deal with them is very simple--let it all out into the open! There are not enough words to express how much I love this about Italian culture. I admire the honesty, and that fact that they have nothing to hide.When they are mad, you will know. When they are sad, you will know. When they are happy, you will know. Simple.

The point is, I need to think more simply, to be more simple in my everyday life. Sometimes I make things way too complicated and over-think. If I feel angry, let it be. If I feel sad, just let it be. When I'm having the best day of my life, just accept it for it's beauty. Everything just IS. Life is very simple when I really dig deep; on the core level all we need is love and acceptance. Isn't that we're all searching for? All the other stuff doesn't matter as much as we make it matter.

I realized after that day that my life is a lot more "semplice" than I thought it to be before, and honestly, that's because it is! I made getting ready to leave for Italy extremely complicated and difficult. I worked through a lot of self-limitations and fears and feelings of unworthiness to get here. I had many bad days and days filled with immense doubt, but I plugged on anyway. It ended up being the best battle of my life, because it has paved the way for a much easier existence. Now I know that my dreams can be mine, no matter how big the dream. Now I know that all I have to do is take one step at a time towards the life I want to create and let the Universe take care of the rest. All I have to do is put the intention out there and be open to letting it come into my life...and they've been coming to me faster than ever these days. Whatever it is I want to do with my life, I can achieve it. Like Nike says, 'Just Do It.' It's as simple as that! And I am so grateful for the journey I'm taking.

It's funny how the smallest and simplest things you hear can make the biggest difference if you're really listening. I could have taken what Monica said on a strictly surface level, but I was present to how I could turn it into a miracle. When I came back the next day with more simple paragraph, she told me it was better. The amount of mistakes I made in the second paper was significantly less than the amount I made in the first one. It goes to show that life is better in its simplicity. It's time for me to stay present and live more simply, and perhaps we could all use to live a little more semplice.


  1. Wow, great reminder! I love how you're paying attention to what's going on in your life and applying things on all sorts of levels. Semplice... that's even kind of fun to say :)
    And that was really cute that Liz reached over on your computer and you left her comment! Is the tutoring part of the PCC group, or another program or individual? Sounds like a fantastic opportunity!
    Love these posts!

  2. Girl... really... bravo! I really needed to read that.. I'm always over thinking things and making things more complicated rather than actually helping myself in making it simple. ur right, we do need to make things simple because it actually.is. the reason things r hard and complicated is because we ourselves Allow it to be. thanks girl.. I really really really needed to read this today. u always inspire me and make me open my eyes..I love you & miss u! keep growing out there! <3

  3. Beautiful...

    And the story's not bad either!

    xo Jerry
